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MagnumBoard – possible applications
MagnumBoard is suitable for nearly every construction project. Our system is versatile, individual and flexible, making it the ideal choice for new constructions, additional storeys, renovation, or urban, commercial and industrial structures.
Neubau New construction – fast and easy, using high-grade material
You can build your dream home using MagnumBoard. With our system you can easily and rapidly construct a high-quality building matching your personal specifications, even with complex floor plans. This reduces financial burdens for private homebuilders considerably. A drying phase of several months, as is customary with brick buildings, is not needed. The smooth sanded interior surfaces can immediately be used by subsequent trades work and much of the customary interior finishing is dispensed with through careful planning. More square footage becomes available thanks to lower wall thicknesses.
Because of its relatively solid structure and density, in combination with proper insulation, MagnumBoard walls have excellent energy-efficiency values. In comparison with other construction methods wooden structures achieve an equally long or even longer life as well as a good ecological balance. Buildings from the Middle Ages demonstrate this impressively. With large format panels airtight and wind-proof construction meeting passive house standards can be easily achieved. Without expensive expansion joints a long-lasting airtight building shell can be constructed which remains below the maximum values for air exchange rate according to EnEV. This has been documented in a several blower-door tests.
Aufstockung-Sanierung Additions/Renovation – economically extend and maintain living space with solid wood
By using MagnumBoard, existing buildings can be extended and renovated with ease. The size of the construction elements allows large-format, load-bearing constructions and optimal utilization of existing space. As a dry construction system, MagnumBoard has no negative effect on the existing building structure and new rooms can be quickly put into use. This allows maximum living comfort to be achieved with minimal construction stress.
Noise and fire protection are of considerable importance for residential space on upper storeys in particular. In comparison with traditional construction methods, our system building elements achieve excellent rating values. Simple means such as gypsum board planking or appropriate additions in the ceiling area enable outstanding rating values to be achieved.

Städtebau Urban construction – modern and optimally customized
MagnumBoard elements are ideally suited for projects in densely populated urban areas, in urban structural “gaps” or for buildings which must be put into service quickly. In these circumstances available space for site equipment and materials storage is at a bare minimum. Rapid assembly times drastically reduce the required road blocks and other inconveniences in the surrounding area. Construction sites become safer. Existing architecture and dimensions can be easily adopted and supplemented and new design accents carried out on new structures.
Multi-storey buildings can be completed in a narrow time frame while maximizing usable space, attaining good insulation, and blending in with existing building frontages and cityscapes. All the requirements for sound insulation, thermal isolation and fire protection can be met and MagnumBoard can be even optimally utilized for roof surfaces for excellent protection against summer heat.

Industrie-, Gerberwebau Industrial and commercial buildings – rapid assembly times – outstanding reliability
Whether for modern commercial buildings with large span widths or for an energy-efficient daycare center, the proven perfection of MagnumBoard allows exceptional architectural solutions for industrial and commercial sector projects. Employees and visiting clients benefit equally from the healthy atmosphere made possible by wood.
The rough frame structure can be prefabricated indoors at the same time as foundation work is done and utility lines connected. Commercial builders benefit from rapid assembly times and a reliable project schedule. Final completion of the building is fast and easy, construction elements can be easily fastened to our MagnumBoard elements.